Dr. Jeremy Kepner

Visiting Scientist

Dr. Jeremy Kepner is Head and Founder of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center (LLSC), and also a Founder of the MIT-Air Force AI Accelerator. Lincoln Laboratory is a 4000-person National Laboratory. Dr. Kepner is one of five Lincoln Laboratory Fellows, a position that "recognizes the Laboratory's strongest technical talent for outstanding contributions to Laboratory programs over many years." Dr. Kepner is recognized as one of nine MIT Fellows of the Society of Industrial Applied Mathematics (SIAM), for "contributions to interactive parallel computing, matrix-based graph algorithms, green supercomputing, and big data." Dr. Kepner received a PhD in Astrophysics from Princeton University in 1998 (advisor: Prof. David Spergel) and a BA in Astrophysics from Pomona College in 1991.